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Understand How to Prove a Point with Evidence

In this worksheet, students will learn about the point, evidence and explain method. They will choose appropriate quotations to support a point.

'Understand How to Prove a Point with Evidence' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Comprehension

Curriculum subtopic:   Justify Views

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we will need to prove our answers to comprehension questions.


To prove our answers, we need to use evidence from the text.


To do this, we can use the P.E.E method!


girl and question marks


It may sound funny but it stands for:






First, you make a point.

Then, you give a quotation from the text as evidence.

Then you explain how that quotation proves your point.


Read the passage below:

Jay looked into the calm saltwater lagoon; its surface was sparkling under the sun like a diamond ring. He had spent the past six months tiringly training for this triathlon and finally, the moment had arrived. Cautiously, Jay tested the water with a silent splash, listening for the starting horn. As the horn sounded, Jay dived into the water like a starving dolphin on the search for food. His powerful arms pulled him forwards with every stroke. When he heard the splashing of other swimmers getting closer, he pushed himself harder. Reaching the finishing line in no time, Jay pulled himself out from the water to see that he was in the lead. The water lapped up and down on the rocks like it was giving him a round of applause before he began the next section of the race.




Was Jay prepared for the race? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.


"Jay had spent the past six months tiringly training for this triathlon"


This quotation tells us that he has been training to prepare for his triathlon.


Here is our PEE answer:

Jay was very prepared for his race. I know this because it says “He had spent the past six months tiringly training for this triathlon”. This shows he was physically ready for the race.


Our point was: Jay was very prepared for his race.


The evidence was: I know this because it says “He had spent the past six months tiringly training for this triathlon”.

We should use quotation marks around our evidence.


The explanation was: This shows he was physically ready for the race.

The explanation explains why the quotation supports the point.


In this activity, you will be finding evidence to prove your points. The quotation you pick must support your point.


girl writing

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