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Order and Summarise Information in a Story

In this worksheet, students will identify the main idea of a story as well as ordering key events.

'Order and Summarise Information in a Story' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Comprehension

Curriculum subtopic:   Identify and Summarise Main Ideas

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we are going to become summarising superstars.

To summarise, we pick out key points that are really important.


If someone asked me to summarise my day, I wouldn’t tell them every single bit of food I ate and what time I did everything.

I’d say something like this:


I saw the ducks in the park and went out for dinner.




I left out the extra information like what else I saw in the park and what I had for dinner.


Can you summarise your day so far in no more than 10 words?


Summary questions often ask us to order events in a text.


Before brushing his teeth, Drew ate his breakfast then went to drama club.




Here are the three main events from this sentence. 

Which order do these three events go in? 


Drew brushed his teeth.  
Drew went to drama club.  
Drew ate breakfast.  


Here are the correct answers.

Does this match what you thought?


Drew brushed his teeth. 2
Drew went to drama club. 3
Drew ate breakfast. 1


Sometimes, summarising questions ask us to sum up the main idea in one sentence.


What was the main event in the sentence about Drew?


It was him going to drama club.

Brushing his teeth and eating breakfast aren’t as important as they happen every day.


In this activity, we will use our summarising skills to summarise and order main events from texts.


Let's go!


happy girl dancing

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