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Use Directions to Identify the Position of Objects

In this worksheet, students will be using forwards, backwards, quarter turn clockwise and anticlockwise to help distinguish the position of objects.

'Use Directions to Identify the Position of Objects' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Geometry: Position and Direction

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Language of Position/Direction

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we will use the following mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction, and movement: 


forwards, backwards, quarter turn, three quarter turn, clockwise, anticlockwise


girl thinking


First of all, let's have a look at what each word means. 


Forwards - going forwards five spaces

The front of the car faces the letters A to F, so the car will travel in this direction. 

We just need to count forwards five spaces from here:


 car grid 


This is how the car will move. 


To read the square that the car is now in, we follow each box along to the number and letter, like this: 


 highlighted grid 


The car is now in box 2D. 


Backwards  - going backwards two spaces. 

The front of the rocket faces the top, so the rocket will travel in the opposite direction to this so that it is going backwards. 

We just need to count backwards two spaces from here:


rocket on grid


This is how the rocket will move. 

The rocket will now be in square 3C.



The direction the hands move around a clock is the clockwise direction. 


  clock turning clockwise 


This arrow shows the direction that the hands move around the clock.  


So, if a shape were to move clockwise, we could imagine it moving in the same direction that clocks hands move around. 

This hippo has turned clockwise. 


 hippo turned clockwise 



The direction the hands move around a clock is the clockwise direction. 

The opposite direction is called anticlockwise. 




This arrow shows the direction that the hands move in the anticlockwise direction. 


So, if a shape were to move anticlockwise, we could imagine it moving backwards around the clock. 

This hippo has moved anticlockwise!


   hippo turned anticlockwise 



Quarter turn

Here, we have a circle.

Start at line A and follow the arrow round to line B. This is a quarter turn. 


 quarter turn 


Can you see that it has covered a quarter of the circle?


Three quarter turn

Here, starting at line A and following around to line B we have three-quarters of a turn:


three quarter turn 


With all this information we can now have a go at tackling some of these questions. 


Good luck! 

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