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Write to Inform: Healthy Eating

In this worksheet, students will complete a writing task to inform. The task can be marked by an adult with the aid of the mark scheme included.

'Write to Inform: Healthy Eating' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 7 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Growing Knowledge to Support Writing

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

The following writing task allows you to show that you are able to inform your reader.




You should write clearly, with a new paragraph for each point you wish to make.


Remember to stay away from opinions, but focus on facts about your topic.


You can extend your writing by adding extra information using connectives such as: also, additionally, furthermore.


You might also use connectives such as: for instance, these include, for example... etc. to add detail.


Give yourself about 45 minutes to complete this task.


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