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Identify Light Sources

In this worksheet, students will learn to recognise a light source, how light travels and how it allows us to see things.

'Identify Light Sources' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Light

Curriculum subtopic:   Light Travels in Straight Lines

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Light sources are all around us - things like light bulbs, the Sun, or even a smart phone screen.


smart phone


They release energy in the form of waves - kind of like ripples in a pond but much faster and tinier. Light always travels in straight lines.


Unlike water waves, light waves don't need anything to travel through, so they can zoom through space too! They can travel through empty space - space with no air particles is called a vacuum -  which is why we can see stars millions of kilometres away!


stars in a galaxy


Light travels incredibly fast, at about 300,000 kilometres per second. That's so fast it seems to happen right away!


When the light waves bounce off objects and reach our eyes, they create the sensation of sight, letting us see the world around us.


how we see apple torch


It's important to know the difference between a luminous object and a reflective object.

A luminous object creates its own light, like a torch, a match or the Sun.


burning match


A reflective object bounces the light waves back very efficiently, and only reflects existing light - they cannot make their own light.


orange cats' eyes


In this activity, we will be looking at the differences between light sources and reflective objects, as well as revising how light travels - let's go!

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