Great job! You have decided to spend some time practising for your SATs Reading test.
In this activity, you will practice how to answer word questions.
What are word questions?
- In the SATs reading test, a word question will ask you to give and explain the meaning of a word in the text.
- Usually, word questions are straightforward to answer and a good way to collect some marks in the test.
- If you have spent time text marking, you may have already highlighted the word you are being asked about!
- You may be asked to look at a paragraph to find a word, so make sure you read all of it carefully.
- If you are unsure what a word means, re-read the sentence it is in and the sentences that surround it.
Word questions are a main question type in the SATs Reading test so by completing this activity, you will be used to them and better prepared for the test, good luck!