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Understand and Apply Division of Decimal Numbers to Solve Problems

In this worksheet, students will be asked to divide decimal numbers by an integer. Students will also use this skill to solve a range of worded problems. This is a key skill to cement in preparation for SATs maths tests.

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'Understand and Apply Division of Decimal Numbers to Solve Problems' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Exam-style Questions: SATs Maths

Curriculum subtopic:   Exam-Style Questions: Accurate Decimal Calculations

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

You are going to spend some valuable time practising for the SATs maths papers.

In this activity, you will practise using the bus stop division method to divide decimal numbers by integers.

You will also have to solve some worded problems using this method.


Example 1: bus stop division


bus stop division


Here is a quick recap of how the above calculation was carried out:


1. How many 2s go into the first digit, 6? Answer = 3, write on the line.

2. Put the decimal point in!

3. How many 2s go into 7? Answer = 3 with a remainder 1. The remainder 1 is carried over to the 2 to make 12.

4. How many 2s go into 12? Answer = 6.


Example 2: Using the bus stop method to solve division problems using decimal numbers.


Sam buys 4 pots of paint for £8.12, how much does one pot cost?

Answer = £2.03

See the working out below using the bus stop method.


bus stop division


Over to you now to have a go at some questions yourself!

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