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Identify the Components of a Healthy Diet

In this worksheet, students will be tested on their understanding of what makes up a healthy diet and why.

'Identify the Components of a Healthy Diet' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 8 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Biology: Structure and Function of Living Organisms

Curriculum subtopic:   Nutrition and Digestion

Popular topics:   Biology old worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Healthy Diet plate 


A balanced diet is essential in keeping us healthy and providing our bodies with all the things that it needs in order to function properly. The foods that we eat contain a mix of seven nutrients that are used in our bodies for different things.



1. Fats (found in butter and oils etc...) 


Fats are needed in the body to provide energy. They are also used to provide insulation to keep the body warm. 



Plate of raw meat

2. Proteins (found in meat, fish and eggs)


Proteins are needed in the body for growth and repair. Muscles, bones, hair, nails and blood all need proteins to keep them strong and healthy.



3. Carbohydrates (found in bread, pasta, cereals, and potatoes)

Carbohydrates are needed in the body to provide energy.



Vegetables and fruit

4. Vitamins (found in dairy products, fruit and vegetables) 


Vitamins are needed in small amounts to keep our bodies functioning properly e.g. vitamin D is needed for healthy teeth and bones, and vitamin C is needed for healthy skin and hair.



5. Minerals (found in milk, liver, and salt) 


Minerals are needed for a variety of bodily functions. Some important minerals are iron, a major component of blood, and calcium, needed for healthy teeth and bones.



Bran flakes

6. Fibre (found in bran) 



Fibre is needed to keep the gut healthy and to prevent constipation.




7. Water


Approximately 70% of the human body is made up of water. However this water can be lost through sweating  and breathing, so we need to keep topping it up.



What happens if we do not have a balanced diet? 


If our diet lacks any of these seven nutrients it can cause a variety of health problems to arise, including:


Anaemia - a condition caused by a lack of the mineral iron in the body.

Scurvy - a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C in the body.  

If the body becomes fat-deficient, it can stop absorbing certain vitamins, causing tiredness and poor health. 


Let's have a go at the questions now to find out what we know about a healthy diet.

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