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Understand the Meaning of Words Used For Possibility

In this worksheet, students will use words associated with chance and likelihood.

'Understand the Meaning of Words Used For Possibility' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 7 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Probability

Curriculum subtopic:   Understand Probability Outcomes

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

We can use certain words to describe how likely it is that something will happen.


Examples of these words are:


IMPOSSIBLE means that something will definitely not happen.

UNLIKELY means that something may happen, but is not very likely.

EVEN CHANCE means 50:50, like throwing a coin and landing on heads or tails.

LIKELY means that there is more than an even chance that it will happen.

CERTAIN  means that something will definitely happen.


Let's have a go at some questions now.


girl thinking

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