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Recognise the Correct Order in Food Chains

In this worksheet, students will identify the different roles animals and plants play in a food chain. They will also look closely at the transfer of energy between animals in the order of a food chain.

'Recognise the Correct Order in Food Chains' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Living Things and Their Habitats

Curriculum subtopic:   Animals: Food and Food Chains

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Food chains show us how energy flows in nature.

The energy starts somewhere - the Sun gives energy to all things, but plants use this energy to make their own food.

This is why plants are called producers because they produce their own food.


sun over field of wheat food chain from leaf to hawk


Then, from the plant we see how the energy is used and passed on.

The arrows in a food chain show us the direction of the energy.

Look at this food chain below - what do you notice?


seal on the snow black arrow wild fish black arrow seaweed underwater



Good work. The arrows are pointing the other way!


Even though the arrows are pointing the other way, it still shows us the direction the energy flows -  from the plant to the fish and finally to the seal.


Make sure the arrows are pointing the right way today!


Remember these words:

Consumer - a living thing that eats producers or other animals.


Producer - makes its own food, using energy from the Sun.


Prey - animals that are eaten by other animals.


Predator - an animal that hunts and eats other animals.


In this activity, we will look closely at the food chains and decide whether or not they are correct.


children looknig at science experiment


Good luck!

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