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Understand Conditional Sentences Using the Word 'If'

In this worksheet, students will consider different types of conditional sentence, using the word 'if'.

Worksheet Overview

Conditional sentences are sentences in which one thing depends upon another.


man with lots of money


If I win the lottery then I will give all the money to charity.


We often leave out the word 'then'.

If I win the lottery, I will give all the money to charity.


There are different types of conditional sentence.


1) Things that might actually happen:

If it snows, we will build a snowman.

This type of sentence uses the future tense ('we will').


children building a snowman


2) Imaginary things or things that might possibly happen but are unlikely:

If David Beckham came to our school, I would be very excited.

This type of sentence uses words like 'could' and 'would'.


3) Things that cannot be changed because they are in the past:

If I had worked harder, I would have passed the test.

This type of sentence uses words like 'could have' and 'would have'.


This is a bit of a tricky topic, so feel free to look back at this introduction at any point by clicking on the red help button on the screen.


girl on computer

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