The numbers that we use today are not the same as the ones the Romans used. Roman numerals were used all over the Roman Empire.
In England, they are still used occasionally, for example, on film credits and clock faces.
Remember that the Romans didn't have a symbol for the number 0.
The Romans used these symbols:
I = 1 |
V = 5 |
X = 10 |
L = 50 |
C = 100 |
D = 500 |
M = 1000 |
All other numbers can be built using these symbols by adding or subtracting.
We build bigger numbers by adding 100s, 500s or 1000s or Cs, Ds and Ms in Roman numerals.
MC = M + C = 1000 + 100 = 1100 |
MCCXI = M + C + C + X + I = 1000 + 200 + 10 + 1 = 1211 |
MCD = M + CD = 1000 + 400 = 1400 |
MCM = M + CM = 1000 + 900 = 1900 |
Convert the years MDCCCXCV and MCMXLVIII to normal years.
Break the numbers down and then add together the bits.
MDCCCXCV = M + DCCC + XC + V = 1000 + 800 + 90 + 5 = 1895
MCMXLVIII = M + CM + XL + VIII = 1000 + 900 + 40 + 8 = 1948
Are you ready to imagine yourself as a Roman and have a go at these dates?