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Work Out Missing Lengths of Multi-Rectangular Shapes

In this worksheet, students will use the properties of rectangles to find missing lengths in rectangular shapes.

'Work Out Missing Lengths of Multi-Rectangular Shapes' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 5 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Geometry: Properties of Shapes

Curriculum subtopic:   Understand Rectangles

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Look at this shape which is made of two rectangles joined together.

There is a 6 cm by 2 cm rectangle lying flat and a 3 cm by 7 cm rectangle lying upright.


Rectangles L-shape


We can use the fact that rectangles have parallel sides of equal length to work out missing distances in rectangular arrangements.


Example 1

In the diagram above, work out the length a in cm.



Use the fact that the top rectangle is 2 cm tall all the way along, even at its right-hand edge.

Also the upright rectangle is 7 cm tall even at its left-hand edge.


This is shown in the diagram below.


Rectangles L-shape


This means that a is 7 cm - 2 cm = 5 cm.


Example 2

In the diagram, work out the length a in cm.


Rectangles L-shape



Use the fact that the top of the blue rectangle will match the length of the bottom as 4 cm.

The length a will be 7 cm + 4 cm.


This is shown in the diagram below.


Rectangles L-shape


This means that a is 7 cm + 4 cm = 11 cm.


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