Look at this table, which shows the place value of numbers up to millions.
You should know the value of each column and understand how each number is written.
6 0 9 2 0 4 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 0 2 5
The numbers above are:
Six million, ninety-two thousand and forty-seven
One million, two hundred and thirty-four thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven
Six thousand and twenty-five
If we moved any of the digits into a different column, the number would become completely different.
In the number 1,234,567
The 7 represents seven ones or 7
The 6 represents sixty or 60
The 5 represents five hundred or 500
The 4 represents four thousand or 4,000
The 3 represents thirty thousand or 30,000
The 2 represents two hundred thousand or 200,000
The 1 represents one million or 1,000,000
Large numbers are difficult to read, so we put either commas or spaces in the number to separate every third digit.
For example:
1, 234, 567
1 234 567
Let's get started with the questions now.