Living things are divided into two main groups - plants and animals.
Flowering plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes....
From tall trees.... tiny herbs!
Plants are essential for life on Earth because almost all food chains start with plants.
Although there is a huge variety of plants, their structure and the functions of plant parts are pretty much the same.
Plants need sunlight to make their own food and, unlike animals, they reproduce by growing seeds.
Each part of the plant has a different, but vital function.
Do you remember these? Just as a brief reminder, going from the top:
Flowers are the way that a plant reproduces itself (it begins as a bud).
Leaves are the 'food factory' of the plant.
The stem links the roots to the upper part of the plant, carrying substances between them, and holding the leaves, flowers, etc. high up.
The roots not only hold the plant firmly in the ground, but also draw up water/minerals to supply the whole plant.
That OK? So, let's find out what these different plant parts are all about!