When you want to compare fractions, decimals and percentages, you need to convert them all into the same form.
The easiest method is to convert them to decimals.
To convert percentages into decimals: divide by 100.
To convert fractions into decimals: convert them to a fraction over 10, 100 or 1000 and then divide.
e.g. Put the following into ascending order.
41% , 2/5 , 038
Step 1: Change them all to decimals.
41%: Divide by 100 -> 41/100 = 0.41
2/5: Convert the denominator -> 4/10 = 0.4
Step 2: Put the decimals in ascending order.
From smallest to largest, this decimal sequence will be:
0.38 , 0.4 , 0.41
Step 3: Rewrite the decimals in their original form.
0.38 , 2/5 , 41%
Now let's give some similar challenges a try.
IMPORTANT: In this activity, write fractions in the form a/b and do not leave a space between a number and a percentage sign.