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Understand the Use of a Dash for Joining Sentences

In this worksheet, students will practise using dashes to join clauses in informal writing.

' Understand the Use of a Dash for Joining Sentences' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Hyphens to Clarify

Popular topics:   Punctuation worksheets, Writing worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we will be getting to grips with grammar, specifically how to use dashes.




1. Two clauses can be written as separate sentences.

I went to the cinema today. I didn't really like the film.


2. Alternatively, two clauses can be joined by a conjunction.

I went to the cinema today, but I didn't really like the film.


3. However, If we want to link two clauses together as one sentence without a conjunction we use either a semicolon or a dash. 

I went to the cinema today; I didn't really like the film.

I went to the cinema today - I didn't really like the film.


dash is used as an informal way of joining clauses without a conjunction.

Using a semicolon is the preferred way in formal English. However, for informal writing, such as an email to a friend, a semicolon can look too serious, so a dash is more appropriate.


Note that two independent clauses (main clauses that make sense on their own) should never be joined with a comma. This is a common mistake.

I went to the cinema today, I didn't really like the film. This is wrong!


Now, let's put this knowledge to the test.

Remember, you can always turn back to the introduction if you are struggling and need a reminder.

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