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Explore What Plants Need

In this worksheet, students will be helped to improve their understanding of how plants work, how they make food, what they do with that food and what they need to grow successfully.

'Explore What Plants Need' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Plants

Curriculum subtopic:   Requirements for Life and Growth

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

So many plants out there - trees, bushes, reeds, grasses - the list goes on and on.


They're all massively different, so do they need massively different things or are there some basics they all need?


Selection of plants in pots


From your work so far, you'll know that plants need certain things to grow and to be healthy, things like:


Water - this comes from the soil, brought into the plants by the roots, and is passed up the plant's stem to be used all over the plant.


Light - the leaves are specially designed to convert the energy in sunlight into food (that's sugar) for the plant.


Carbon dioxide - this gas, that's in the air, is taken into the plant to be used in its food-making process.


Minerals - like water, these come from the soil and are important in the good health of the plant.


Room to grow - that makes sense really, doesn't it? After all, if you tip a packet of seeds into a small pot of soil, they're going to be really in each other's way as they try to spread out their roots and leaves.


So, in this activity, you'll find a series of questions about what plants need to grow healthily and well.


So, let's see what plants really need!


boy with magnifying glass

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