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Evaluate Sentences and Improve Use of Language

In this worksheet, students will begin recognising vocabulary choice and how to improve writing.

'Evaluate Sentences and Improve Use of Language' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Composition

Curriculum subtopic:   Evaluate Writing

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

When we evaluate, we are reading our writing and seeing what we can improve.


boy reading book


This means that we are trying to find ways to extend our ideas and sentences, adding in more imaginative language and checking that our spelling and punctuation are correct.


Evaluating our writing means we can change this sentence:


The house was at the end of the street.


big house


Into this sentence:


The old, creaky house, that was covered in ivy, stood eerily at the end of the street.


haunted house


Evaluating our writing gives us the chance to improve it and make our writing say what we really mean!

We often evaluate when we are proofreading and this helps us to make edits (change our writing to make it better!)


hand writing


In this activity, we are going to be reading sentences, looking for mistakes in spellings and making the most exciting sentence or word choices.

Get your 'evaluating eyes' ready and let’s go!


girl with grapefruit eyes

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