Writing about writing can be tricky. You need to show your understanding of the text, select evidence to support your understanding, and explain the evidence you have selected.
You also need to be technically accurate when talking about any techniques that a writer may have employed.
In this activity, as well as developing your personal vocabulary, you will learn what some of this advanced technical subject terminology means.
You will be working with the following words so have a look at them, then get ready to answer some questions!
bias - prejudice for or against something
colloquial - language used in ordinary conversation
juxtapose - two contrasting ideas placed together
linear - progressing from one stage to another
parenthesis - a word or phrase inserted as an afterthought
pragmatics - dealing with language in use (such as conversation)
archaic - very old or old-fashioned
tirade - a long angry speech
Some very tricky words there, so you might like to read them again before starting the questions! You can look back at this page at any point by clicking on the red help button on the screen.