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Develop Use of Ambitious Vocabulary

In this worksheet, students will acquire and implement ambitious vocabulary.

'Develop Use of Ambitious Vocabulary' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 9 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Grammar and Vocabulary

Curriculum subtopic:   Vocabulary and Grammar Awareness

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

scrabble tiles saying words


When you are writing, it is important to use precise and ambitious vocabulary in order to succinctly communicate your meaning. 

Learning new vocabulary can often be tricky, but by seeing the word in situ, you can often understand its meaning much more clearly. 


You can apply this method when you come across a word you are unsure of - read it in context. Look at the words around the word, see what other word could be used in the tricky word's place and this can help you to work out what it must mean.


girl reading book


In this activity, you will be introduced to some advanced vocabulary and when to use it. Have a look at the words and get ready to start the questions!


asinine - extremely stupid or foolish


fractious - irritable, difficult to control


ostensible - appears to be true, but is not necessarily


domineer - to bully or intimidate


dichotomy - a contrast between two opposing things


malice - spite or desire to harm


synopsis - a brief summary 


instigate - to start something


Right, let's get started!


boy thinking

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