Understanding advanced vocabulary is a key skill for being successful in English.
Not only does it help when you are reading a text (you can understand it fully), but also when creating your own piece of writing.
Using ambitious vocabulary challenges not only your reader, but also you!
In this activity, you will be introduced to eight advanced words and work to use them correctly.
Have a look at the words and then get ready to answer some questions!
amass - to gather a large number of something
incontrovertible - cannot be denied
diatribe - a forceful verbal attack
ubiquitous - present everywhere
avarice - extreme greed for wealth
arbitrate - reach an independent judgement
bellicose - demonstrating aggression
predilection - preference or liking for something
Some tricky words there, so have another look before starting the questions. You can look back at this page at any point by clicking on the red help button on the screen.