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Understand the Difference Between an Element and a Compound

In this worksheet, students will begin to recognise the difference between an element and a compound.

'Understand the Difference Between an Element and a Compound' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 7 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Chemistry: Atoms, Elements and Compounds

Curriculum subtopic:   Atoms, Elements and Compounds

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Everything in this room, your room and in the entire Universe, is made of atoms.


a bedroom


Atoms can join together with other atoms of a different type to form something called a compound. Compounds contain different types of atoms chemically bonded together.


In a compound, the different types of atoms are bonded together tightly which makes separating them very difficult. In order for a compound to be separated, a chemical reaction must take place. 


Some examples of compounds are things you would have come across on a daily basis - water and carbon dioxide. We give out carbon dioxide every time we take a breath, and water - well - we wash with it, drink it, it falls from the sky...... compounds!


We can use particle diagrams to show compounds: 


water molecule


The molecule above is a water molecule - it is a compound as it is made from two different types of atoms. We know they are different types of atoms as they are different colours and shapes. Water is made from two atoms of an element called hydrogen and one atom of an element called oxygen. 


Think you've got the idea about compounds now? Lets have a look at some questions together......

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