A sentence is a group of words that need to make sense.
A sentence also needs to have a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end.
Look at these words - they are not a sentence as they do not make sense and there is no capital letter or full stop.
riding bike has orange t-shirt the boy so in helmet the his is a on
They don't make sense like this, but if we swap them around and add a capital letter and a full stop we get a proper sentence.
The boy in the orange t-shirt is riding his bike so has a helmet on.
This now tells us what we see in the picture and makes sense.
We need to use a capital letter for the first letter of the first word of each sentence.
In this example, the first word is 'the' and the first letter is 't' which needs to be the capital letter.
The full stop comes after the last word.
In this example, the last word is 'on', so the full stop goes after the word 'on'.
The joining word so is used to join two simple sentences together and make it a compound sentence.
There are other joining words we can use such as and, because or but.
This activity provides practice for identifying which sentence makes sense.