This activity is about calculating a percentage of an amount.
Percentages are great because they help us to compare things which are not out of the same number!
Let's say that a student gets 34/47 in maths and 23/34 in English.
We can compare them if we know the percentages:
Maths 72% English 68%
Now we can see that the student has done better in maths!
To find the percentage of an amount, it always helps to know 10% because it can be used for finding others.
Let's look at a question.
Calculate 10% of £30.
To find 10%, it is one tenth of the amount, so we divide by 10.
Therefore, 30 ÷ 10 = £3
To find 20% we can simply double 10%.
Therefore, £3 x 2 = £6
Let's try some questions now.