This activity is about calculating a percentage of an amount using a multiplier.
We are using a calculator for this activity!
We can calculate standard percentages easily without a calculator.
When they get a little more tricky, like 42.5%, it is easier and quicker to use a multiplier and a calculator!
What do we mean by 'the multiplier'?
Well, we know that 23% = 23/100 = 0.23
The multiplier is basically, the decimal!
Let's look at a question.
Calculate 17% of £56
To find 17% it is 17/100 = 17 ÷ 100 = 0.17 as a decimal
£56 x 0.17 = £9.52
Top tip: Remember that when we are working with money, we should round our answer to two decimal places.
Let's try some questions now.