When we write, it is super important to use the correct grammar.
This helps your reader to understand exactly what you have said. It can also help the reader to enjoy your writing much more, without having to stop and work out what it means.
There are all sorts of things which fall into the 'grammar' category: word class, sentence structure, conjunctions, paragraphs, tenses, modal verbs...and the list goes on.
In this activity, we will be looking at connectives.
Connectives work to link clauses together.
Connectives can be conjunctions, prepositions or adverbs.
There are several types of connectives that all have a specific job.
These are: examples, topic change, contrasting, emphasising, comparing, re-phrasing, cause and effect, listing, concession and summing up.
We will look at a selection of connectives and think about the job they are doing in a sentence.
If you are ready to start then let's get going with some questions.